Query: My Passport is not being issued by the passport authorities due to pendency of FIR and Criminal Trial in District Court in Punjab. Can I get my passport issued?

Advice: In a recent judgment  pronounced by the Honourable High Court of Punjab and Haryana, it has been reiterated that an accused is presumed to be innocent until convicted. Still further the rights of an accused does not automatically get suspended merely because he is being prosecuted in a criminal case. Still further, right to…

I am running a criminal case with my brothers. The offences are non-compoundable. The dispute was of a civil nature as part consideration of my share of the property was not paid to me and then offence of cheating has been registered in the matter against the purchaser of the property. Can the criminal case be compromised although it is non-compoundable.

Where dispute between the parties predominantly or overwhelmingly seems to be of a civil nature and dispute is a private one between two private parties, even though offences alleged are non-compoundable, offences can be compounded. The jurisdiction to compound the offences and quash the FIR lies within the powers of High Court of the concerned…

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Mangu Singh Versus Dharmendra with State Of U.P. Versus Dharmendra

2015 (0) AIJ-SC 1175 Equivalent Citation(s):-JT 2015 (12) SC 296 : 2016 (1) Supreme 1 SUPREME COURT OF INDIA (HIGH COURT OF UTTAR PRADESH) Hon’ble Judges:Pinaki Chandra Ghose and R.K.Agrawal JJ. (Division Bench) Mangu Singh Versus Dharmendra with State Of U.P. Versus Dharmendra CRIMINAL APPEAL No. 2230 of 2011 ; CRIMINAL APPEAL No. 1707 of…